Capital Campaign

Our Church has served as a beacon of God’s love for over 100 years.
It is Our Home where we gather to become one in Christ.
How can we imagine Our Future without it?
Through this campaign, we will ensure that our facility is sound for us and for our next generation!
Make an online pledge to the campaign by clicking here.
Click here to make a one time or recurring monetary gift to the Campaign.
The Campaign Includes:
01 - Repairs and Repainting of Walls in Narthex, Nave, Altar, and Both Vestries
Interior wall of the nave with damaged plaster.
Replacement of Lighting Grid, which will soon lose functional capacity and is not energy efficient. Replacements parts not available. Some lights are permanently out.
02 - Update and Improve Safety of Sunday School Entrance and Stairwells
Update Light Fixture in Sunday School entrance to a unit with appropriate Lumens for safe lighting
Childproof railings in this stairwell and S. Union Street Entrance stairwell

03 - Bathroom Updates

Complete renovation of all 4 Sunday School bathrooms to match the Fellowship Hall Entrance bathrooms. Replacement of plumbing and drains.

Outdated plumbing from bathrooms.
04 - Security Cameras and Atrium Wall Fabric

Installation of 9 Security Cameras, 4 indoor and 4 outdoor. Prospective view from a security camera.

Replacement of torn, worn, faded fabric for better noise control and appearance.
05 - Automated Doors

Update doors at Chapel and Fellowship Hall entrances to be automated.

This will allow for ease of access for those using assistive devices.
06 - HVAC

We currently have 15 outdated, non-maintainable systems that do not function cohesively.
HVAC system will be updated to run on modernized, remote access software with centralized control. This will allow for more energy efficient use in our facility.
We will be more comfortable at church and save on utility bills.
07 - Candle Stands in the Nave
New stands are safer and allow for pulpit to be moved for better view of services and room for our growing chant stand.

08 - Parking Lot/Handicapped Spaces

Repave and reseal entire parking lot.
Add 4 additional handicapped spaces to the South (Chapel) Parking lot.
09 - Chapel Altar Door Repair
Phase two of our Chapel Iconography Project (Anticipated Summer, 2025) includes a mural in the Apse of the Altar, similar to the mural in the Altar of the Main Church. In order to complete this, a custom built door must be installed where there is currently an opening in the Apse.

Current Chapel Apse

Anticipated final Chapel Icon Screen and Apse with added door.
10 - Stucco Roof and HVAC Duct

The roof is damaged and water is leaking in atrium HVAC duct.

Rusted holes in HVAC return air duct where water enters atrium ceiling during heavy rain.

We will remove existing damaged stucco and gutters, Install insulated panels with vapor barrier, Install metal siding with trim.