The Annunciation
to the Theotokos
Why is our church named The Annunciation?
What is "The Annunciation?"
The Annunciation refers to the moment when the Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to ask the Virgin Mary to conceive Jesus in her womb. Literally translated, the word Annunciation means "the good news." But what is the good news?
The good news is that She said, "yes." The good news is that, because of Her "yes," Jesus could be born, teach His Disciples, perform miracles, die on the Cross and, most of all, rise from the dead.
The good news is that, through Jesus, our sins are forgiven, and we can live forever with Him. The good news is that He loves you and is here waiting for you. The good news is that you are welcome to meet Him here anytime you want to Come to Church.
The Hymn of the Annunciation
On this day when our salvation is crowned for eternity, and the revelation of the mystery of the ages. The Son of God becomes on this day the Virgin's son, with Gabriel proclaiming the tidings of God's grace. And we also join in the cry unto the Theotokos, singing, "Hail to you who are filled with grace. The Lord is with you."