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Come to Church and get involved! Learn, meet like-minded people, and give back!
Take a look below to learn about the ministries we offer.



Worship is at the center of the Orthodox Christian faith.  Our theology is found in the hymns and prayers of our Church services. The Annunciation has been blessed with many gifted men and women who carry on the Byzantine Chant tradition in English and Liturgical Greek. You will find them leading worship at Vespers, Matins, Divine Liturgy, and many other services.  


Are you interested in learning about Byzantine Chant? Would you like to join the chanters? Just talk to Fr. Dean Kokanos!


Vigil Notation St. Gregory

Vigil Vespers Text St. Gregory

Vigil Matins Text St. Gregory

Vigil Liturgy Text for ​St. Gregory 

Service St. Xenia of Petersburg


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Our Annunciation Choir is renowned throughout our Archdiocese for their commitment to choral excellence.  These faithful parishioners volunteer their musical talents to lead the Divine Liturgy every Sunday.  New members are always welcome.  Rehearsal is on Wednesday evenings.

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Young men ages 6 through 18 are welcome to assist the clergy during the Divine Services.  Altar Boys serve on Sundays, and various other services throughout the year.  To be added to an Altar Boy team, talk to Fr. Dean Kokanos.



The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, Inc., is the accredited women's philanthropic society of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.  The name Philoptochos is a Greek word that means “lovers of the poor.” This society consists of an army of women across the nation whose collective drive, dedication and heart help those who need it most.  


Every year, the Akron chapter identifies local schools or organizations in need and raises money through a variety of activities such as bake sales, clothing and supply donation drives, and special events.


Go to the Philoptochos Akron Facebook page to learn more about their latest activities.


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Our Men's Club meets monthly for fellowship, philanthropic work, and educational opportunities.  Gentlemen aged 18 and over are welcome to attend. 


Our parish was founded by Greek immigrants who left a legacy of strong faith and culture.  The children of Annunciation continue to honor this legacy through their study and performance of the folk dances of all regions of Greece.  You can see them perform at various events throughout the year, most notably at our annual Greek Festival in September. 

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