2025 Stewardship
In the fall of 2024, we were told that we should stop giving money to our church. When it comes to stewardship, we should give money to God through our Church.
We should tithe.
Tithing is not a new idea. From the Old Testament God directed that one tenth of everything we have, our time, our talent, and our treasure, should be given to Him through the Temple. And, just like the Book of Malachi told us would happen, God is returning our offering to us multiplied. We are using the multiplied offering to serve God through attending to the needs of our community.
In the last year we saw an increase in attendance at Liturgical services, youth ministries, and other events. We have added new ministries and fellowship events. We have made new community partnerships. We have done all this through our collective efforts and through stewardship.
It is no coincidence that, throughout all of this, our overall stewardship giving has increased nearly 20 percent!
We gave to God, and He is returning our offering.
Some of us are taking our first steps toward tithing. We were encouraged to try to give at least one percent of our annual income to God through our stewardship. Then, to increase our offering by one percent more each year.
The chart on our 2025 commitment card is meant to help facility the journey to ten percent. Please prayerfully consider it, then bring it with you to Church on Sunday, November 10, when we will collect our stewardship cards at the end of Liturgy and offer them to God.
See you at Church!
See you at Church!
Fr. Dean

Click here to submit your 2025 pledge card info through our online giving platform, OSV HUB.
Prefer not to offer online? Call the office to complete a pledge card or have one sent to you!
If you’ve already submitted your card and would like to make an offering, click here.